Sunday, 22 December 2013

let me be the one to light a fire inside those eyes

top - brandy melville // skirt - h&m // kimono - h&m // shoes - converse

I've just got back from Hong Kong awhile ago and i've been crazy swamped with things to do for Christmas and people to meet and all that jazz. So this post is really overdue I apologize. I initially was going to blog in Hong Kong but the wifi was ridiculously slow so I just gave up after that.

Two days to Christmas even though it probably doesn't even feel like it for most of us. Maybe we're just too busy nowadays to actually enjoy a holiday we used to love as kids (maybe it's just me).

Anyway, if you haven't gotten yourself a christmas present yet, and are thinking of getting a pair of branded sunnies as a splurge, check out for super rad deals on them shades.

I styled an outfit around a pair of prada sunnies which you can totally purchase on their site.

of course I had everything be black and plaid what is new, but there are definitely more legit gorgeous sunnies on their page! And some are completely on sale even way lower than their usual prices, so get them now before you totally regret missing out haha.

They carry all these high end brands, and even more! So check out their site if you're looking for a little something special for yourself or some one special even, treat yourself for once this Christmas!

xx Leah

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