Wednesday, 1 January 2014

your heartbeat of solid gold

top - stussy // shoes - vans // socks - primark // cap - h&m // backpack - lazyoaf

Happy New Year everyone. I usually don't believe people who say new years are new beginnings and all that bullshit because honestly, who has time to reset their lives back to level one. But heck, I decided to start relatively 'new' with my resolutions and all that. 2013 was mostly a bitch, with school being so much more depressing than I actually thought it was going to be, and on the even brighter side my grades were absolutely fabulous (can't you just taste the sarcasm in that statement). Well, lets just put it this way, it was a slap to my face and I decided you know what, enough with the casual attitude towards grades and self deprecating thoughts about "how stupid you are", lets just move on with life and work hard because you get opportunities others dream of getting, so make the most of it.

Ok, so inspiring right? haha, lets just hope I keep to that attitude. And also, I made a resolution to start posting with three day intervals instead of my usual week because I don't think i'm going to go anywhere if I don't start working hard now right? and a friend told me, just be the best you can be at whatever talent you have, because it's not worth it to put it to waste. So I decided to work hard(er) in school and dance and fashion and let's hope that gets me somewhere this year.

Hope you guys had a wonderful start to 2014!

Also! Me and my friend are setting up a booth at the 4th of January restore 3 flea held at the f1 pit building! So come down and check our shit out because we're gna have a hell lot of brand new items from blogshops and branded retail stores and also, the best part of all is that i'm selling two pairs of new balance shoes as well as some of my branded caps sooooooooooo hurry down and be the first to get em! Feel free to stop by and say hi as well, srsly i'm a friendwhore so just yknow, DONT BE SHY. hehe.

xx Leah

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