Tuesday, 3 December 2013

boy, oh boy

top - online // vintage shirt - thestylemafia // jeans - topshop // shoes - dr martens // bag - topshop // lipstick - mac's strikingly fabulous

Well, finals have officially come to an end and here I sit wondering if I did enough to get myself above average grades. Because once you're below average.... well, needless to say the bell curve is going to suck for you.

This happens every time I scroll through my old photos, I constantly go "I wish I had (blank) coloured hair again" But look at this gorgeous pink hair I mean why the hell did it only last one month, such a waste.

At this very moment i'm sitting on my bed in my hall waiting for my mum to come fetch me and bring all my stuff back home. Took me ages to pack all the small things nicely into boxes and finally into a huge suitcase which I will probably have trouble unpacking and then repacking again for my Hong Kong trip (on a sidenote YAY)

Excited to hopefully get some new street wear and of course splurge on some stylenanda when i'm there. And right now my mum just called and said she's on her way so, till next time, i'll be back to fill up this space with more of more pointless thoughts

xx Leah

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