Wednesday, 19 February 2014

your pretty face and electric soul

jumper - unif // shirt & bag - thestylemafia // shoes - jeffrey campbell tardys // cap - supreme // lipstick - NYX

I've been trying to survive today with like the worst headache, which indirectly made me the most unproductive person ever. (the bed is too comfortable to leave I will not lie) So I spent my free day wasting my time rolling around and whining about how stupidly painful my head was, instead of completing assignments. I deserve an award seriously. Hopefully I can make up for it during recess week... if not I can kiss my dreams of the new york internship goodbye.

Anyway, oufit-wise I wore this on New Year's Eve last year (lol obvious post backlog right here) and I'm in love with this unif jumper like seriously so glad I bought it on sale, even though it was still ridic expensive after the discount. Can't wait to find a way to earn some money during the hols. Blogshops pls contact me if you need a model I think that's the only thing I can possibly do that's flexible enough with my schedule LOL. (no seriously I wouldn't mind)

xx Leah

1 comment:

  1. i love ur style wow and ur very pretty!! :D
    im definetly a fan of yours all the way from Finland ^^
    heres my blog:
