Thursday, 9 January 2014

didn't even stay to watch me cry

dress - brandy melville jada dress // socks - american apparel // shoes - dr martens // bag - topshop

School starts in a couple of days and thanks reality for kinda hitting me real hard in the face. I just moved my stuff back into my dorm for next sem and my room, although air-conditioned now, still sucks because the configuration is completely different for the norm (just my luck). Obviously tells you how much luck I have with anything of such sorts. But I told myself i'm going to make my room pretty and that I shall. I hope I didn't make a terrible choice of switching rooms.

Been sitting under sheets with my ac on full blast watching episodes of sherlock bc I just can't get enough. (he's so dreamy, in every possible way, also because he's British and being British makes every guy dreamy) And because of this I haven't gone shopping in ages and I feel as though my closet has shrunk so much that i'm so utterly bored with all my clothes it's ridiculous. But now it's like I don't even want to shop anymore because every store I go too has like nothing I want to own, and everything I do want to own is online and expensive because shipping is such a bitch. Sigh pie at first world problems. Can I just be sherlock holmes instead and solve crimes rather than having to constantly deal with this daily struggle, it would be so much easier.

xx Leah

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